Sunday, December 11, 2005

Blog Disaster!

I kind of have a hunch this is going to be long. I can hear all you guys saying “Jeez girl, tell us something new.” Well well let me get started right away and stop making it longer…

After a week of quite a lot of work I kind of went insane, I dint want to work or study. So it all started one Friday evening when my friends and I decided to just take the weekend off in spite of the fact that it’s just a week before our final exams. So we started watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and laughing our heads out. Then I thought what makes something funny? What makes things more amusing than other “normal” stuff? I dint understand how and why… So I decided ok let me sit down and classify, analyze and come to a conclusion. Hence the blog…

Okay let’s divide it into sections and subsections (Yeh! Your right I’m Crazy :D)

Physical form:

I think joking about physical form has been the most famous and easiest way to make movies, TV shows, plays and gossips funny!

  • Size: The size of a human is by far the most popular under this section. Any abnormal size, skinny that a small woooosh would disturb your balance or super extra flesh growing probably even on your eye lids and earlobes (if that’s even possible) is great for a little joke!
  • Hair: Hey this by in itself is funny, but it so seems that something as small as hair is a good subject for some fun. I wonder if there is anyone who hasn’t seen a joke of a wig being blown off a bald person. Too much of hair is funny too. Hey blonde jokes! Related to the color of a person’s hair!
  • Skin Color: How can I forget mentioning this! An absolutely fair girl in my college was nick named “Miss. White Cement”. And about dark people I do remember watching Hindi comedy serials featuring dark skinned “madrasi” people and South Indian movie comedy tracks involving repulsively dark men/women.

Brilliance and Mental State:

  • Stupid in class: A stupid classmate is a perfect choice for some funny gossip, who should have rather admitted she dint know than mutter something. But not knowing it sometimes funny too.
  • Absent Minded: Professors and teachers are a sure target for jokes; we hate them for inflicting education on us. Their occasional/frequent follies are for quick grabs. All that knowledge is probably getting too stuffy in the gray cells that its pushing common sense out for a little while :P
  • Lunatics: Well a lunatic asylum is a surely a perfect stage for a full length comedy movie. Insane is definitely funny, things have to reach the extreme end to get more and more funny. Lesser the feeling of consciousness the better. Drunken people make good comedians too.


  • Gender: Men joke about women and women about men! driving skills(w.r.t. women),cooking skills (w.r.t. men), shopping craze (w.r.t. women), beer craze (w.r.t. men) and so on…. Just remember all your fwd mails.
  • Marriage: Wow! This is popular too… not just the husband and wife bring in the in-laws too! Infidelity, authority, regrets, quarrels…blah blah blah! Hey the pre marriage stuff is funny too; blind love (firm rooted definition of love) and/or match making (probably the most hilarious part!)
  • Neighbors: Hey come on… being nosy is fun and my nose can only reach next door!

Forbidden stuff:

  • Swearing: South Park… probably one of the best examples of how extremely amusing profanities can get.
  • Sex: Even if you tell me you’ve never heard / said such jokes… I’m sure you are lying. Forbidding something is probably analogous to lifting it higher on humor-content-meter!

Practical Jokes: Play a prank and get the gags out of it once you see the fool tricked!

Black Comedy: Sarcasm at its bes….

Wait a second!! Hold on …. I somehow don’t see this analysis going good… Is it my imagination or is it really so that every sub-division of humor I’ve listed so far is at the expense of someone or something. So is it that every form of humor involves some kind of implicit mockery or the other! And is making fun of someone a good thing? At every point aren’t we hurting someone’s feelings?

My realization came to rescue before I was going to jump into the well of guilt. Something can be funny ONLY when its “True” or at least has a very obvious implicit truth hidden in it (Sarcasm). And something which is as a matter of fact true after all can not miss the stage! Er! Atleast that’s how I think so!

God! I never thought that this is such a complicated subject to write a blog on… All my fun this weekend just inspired me to start this analysis but it turned to be a helluva disaster dint it? I realized that if you ask why something is funny…it simply ceases to be funny! Thank you for bearing to read until the far end of this disastrous blog, I was thinking of not posting it… but well… If I had got this drafted well I would have probably got myself a paper published in a psychology or psychiatry (don’t really know the difference) Journal

I’d just like to say one last thing though…. When someone’s making fun of us we should probably be a sport and laugh over it too. Because probably if we feel bad about it, we are only being guilty of what we are. And if they are kidding us about something we are not, we just got to learn to laugh at their bad sense of humor :)

I once read this on a very short guy’s t-shirt “Life is SHORT ……. Make fun of it! I could not help but smile! So take it easy and spice up your life with a frequent dosage of Humor and fun and sometimes make fun of yourself!!


Rash said...

hey pavi u wrote this early in the morn...god u r really crazy!

Pavithra said...


Being my roommate I thought you knew that "I personify craziness" :D

Venkat said...

Good one! Well written...

Lesson: Don't think too much, Don't look for perfection, Just move with the wind and you will be fine.

P B said...

joke sonna sirikanum, sinthika koodathu.

Pavithra said...

Venkat & Muthukumar

My Manufacturing Defect :D

Anonymous said... women make fun of driving skills,men make fun of cooking skills (w.r.t. women), beer craze(this has become more prominent in women these days i suppose)..

And is making fun of someone a good thing? At every point aren’t we hurting someone’s feelings? -- It absolutely is..I strongly agree with this point. Everything is bound by limits in this world...

nice blog...keep it up!

Barath said...

Very good analysis. Humor at other's expense is only one form of humor. All the subdivision you've analyzed (very well) happen to come under that form.
One other form that comes to my mind is 'Pun'- playing with words
Q: How do you know I-90 is regular to the GYM?
A: 'coz it has broad "shoulders".

(Girls - the lane on the highways on which you usually drive [but one must not drive] is called a "Shoulder")

I thot most humor doesn't have truth in it and that makes it humorous. For instance, A sardar mom saying 'Beta, I am writing this letter slowly because I know you can't read fast' can never be true..
or for that matter.. If girls always drive on shoulder, my statement above won't be funny..

yeah! I detest humor based on one's physical inability. You've given a good message in this blog. Will definitely continue to have fun..

Niraj Kumar said...

good one!!
but what a coincidence?? check out my blog name and the template. both almost the same as yours??? :)

Rashmi Mudiyanur said...

well, i kinda like the idea of laughing over the fun that was made at u, however at times being too frivolous does not produce/benefit us cos of the attitude we bear towards it, i guess a little amount of guilt should be associated with it as no one perfects everything in a life time and being conscious about ur flaws helps u grow as an individual many a times, and believe me though i laugh at myself and make fun along with others, i adventently make an effort to correct myself when its required and it has helped me.

Anonymous said...

hey.. happen to stumble into ur blogs... u've got some gr8 writing skills there..[guess most goodshez do :)..] a wknd of F*R*I*E*N*D*S made u think of all of this? hmmm....i guess it has its own effects on every individual.. :)
ps-jus a lil curious.. how did ur finals go?..

Anonymous said...

this post of yours reminds me of this:
when we play the fool,
have u noticed how wide the theatre expands?
how long the audience sits before us?
how many prompters? and hey what a chorus!!

Pavithra said...

The conclusion of the blog is not that looking at life in a lighter way is good for us.... so dont u jump into any guilt!

Bound by limits if you want to be limited... I'm not asking you to break the limits.... take a detour ;)

When I say truth I'm generalizing it to some statistical evidence. Your joke on girls is that mostly girls tend to drive more on the shoulder than what guys do. That it was either previously noticed that sardhar's/blones are "usually" dumb(I have nothing against them...and ive met a lot of brilliant blondes and sardhars) Playing with words is also making fun or distorting their original intended form. Whatever it is... lets jus have fun ;)

Yep your blog title is close to mine! Freaky!

True that we cant be frivolous always... if we were.... we'll probably be sent to the asylum!

Thanks! Finals wasnt great! managed something...I am a real loser when it comes to grades...i dont care either! :P Btw how did u know i was a goodshe!!!

Hey true when anything is out of the norm people are always there around to laugh(if its funny) / protest (if its against the etched norms of living)

I like your reasoning! If death is not what your looking forward too... then just get the kicks out of the life u have now! Jus do what u want!

Sorry all you guys for replying late!

Gayatri Balasubramanian said...

kool..u subdivided the titles into amazing categories which
classifies the fun ..
damn good one and Funny too,,.!!
oops..did it stop being Funny??!

Pavithra said...

Lolz G3! Take it easy !

Laks said...

i knew u were a goodshe coz i'm a friend of anu umachandar ...n sometime when i happnd to scrap(orkut) her i noticed tht jus below my scrap was urs mentionin sometin abt "goodshe" ...btw.. me a goodshe too :) ....i've initiated my journey in the bloggers world...:) n thz how stumbled into ur space here.. hehe.. good goin wit the blogs!...hopin to c more..

Anonymous said...

Have fun in india!!

Arun said...

"Life is SHORT - Make fun of it,
Your blogpost is COOL - Make more of it"..

(Well, I know it's a pathetic swing at emulatin my poetic friend.. :).. )
